
About us

Hi! Welcome to our website, you are probably wondering who we are and what D2G is. Well, we are a group of international students created in 2022 and our main goal is to share and distribute second hand electronic devices to small startups and those who are in need. Scroll down to learn more about us.

image d'accueil

How does it work

Digital to Give is a platform where small businesses can withdraw hardware from our catalog, if they need something in particular, no worries, our large selection of electronic devices should do the work, and do you know what the best thing is? Everything is for FREE! But how does it work? Well, thanks to our kind partners like Google, Microsoft, OVH and many more... We collect their outdated hardware so we can give it to smaller companies. Why we also love this project is because it is a sustainable solution for the environement and thanks to D2G the percentage of electronic waste per year is reduced

Our products

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy
text of the printing and typesetting



Domestic electrical

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy
text of the printing and typesetting
Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy


Customers review

Karen D.Ridgeway @Diany1985

Thanks for your item, it is still in good condition, now my daughter can study easily

Noelle Riquier @Waskeepat

I've never own such an modern ipad like this

Ansel Saurel @Andents

Thanks for your item, it is still in good condition, now my daughter can study easily

Lương Thị Như Đăng @Sathe1987

It's a little bit old but i can use it easily.

Sam Payne @Illonall1948

It's a little bit old but i can use it easily

Scarlett Wallis @Tweveseen42

I'm so greateful

Lorem Ipsum is

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s.

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